If I learned anything from 2020 (aside from the importance of washing my hands), it’s that brands have to find ways to connect with consumers to ensure they understand exactly what those consumers need.
This isn’t a startling revelation by any means. But I was startled to learn that, according to a report from Forrester and Khoros, many brands underestimate or simply do not comprehend what their audiences want from them. Not only that, but these brands also misjudge the online interactions consumers have with them.
Getting to know your customers better is not an overnight fix, but there is a cost effective and proven method you can implement quickly to gain a better understanding of your consumers: Improving your organic social media interactions.
Recently, we published 5 Ways to Boost Organic Results on Social Media, a free guide that will help your brand leverage organic social media to increase SEO, boost website traffic and build meaningful connections with customers and prospects.
When we begin working with clients to enrich their social media presence, one of the first areas we tackle is improving their organic social media outcomes and taking advantage of user-generated content is a method that works well. In fact, 79 percent of people say that user generated content highly impacts their purchasing decisions.
Leveraging UGC works well because it’s free, there is a ton of it out there and it’s ready to use whenever you need it (assuming you asked the original creator for permission). And, it’s a wonderful tool that builds trust among consumers.
If you want to learn more reliable, dependable and affordable methods to boost your organic social media results, then download our free guide right now!
From blog posts to detailed marketing campaigns, Andy Goldstein obsesses over words. As Brand825’s Content Strategist, he enjoys writing under a deadline as much as he does formulating complete content strategies and recording streaming audio ads. Andy is an avid sports fan and enjoys getting outdoors with his two sons.